Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Highchair

 I bought a highchair from my local Just Between Friends Sale and thought I would set it up and let Wyatt join us at the kitchen table during meal times.  Well he has fallen in love with the idea of sitting up and having his toys right there.  Here are some cute pics from his highchair


 Wyatt is a little young to understand Halloween, but we celebrated with him anyways.  Friday night (October 29th) we carved pumpkins as a family.  Wyatt played with some pumpkin guts, and then we were mean parents and striped him down and put him in the pumpkin ;)  He wasn't sure what was going on and then was really really mad.  Saturday morning we got Wyatt all dressed up and took pictures.  In the afternoon Grandma T. and I brought Wyatt to the Anoka Halloween parade (it was crazy busy).  Sunday (Halloween) Wyatt was really crabby as his schedule had been thrown off the other two days, so we just laid low and hung around the house.  We handed out candy to the ticker treaters with Grandpa T. and shut the light off early so we could go to bed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birth Story

For those of you who are interested in the story of when Wy man joined us in is world... I will keep the gross details out of the story.

On Thursday, July 15th I woke up at about 3am having minor contractions, but nothing I couldn't handle. I was able to sleep and decided it was probably best to not go into work. Phil was suppose to work that day and since the contractions were really irregular I told him to go. It wasn't long after he left that my contractions start to come every seven minutes, so I called him up and had him come home. Once Phil was home we decided to go for a walk around the block as this is what the hospital had told us to do to start labor...well it didn't work, it stopped my labor. The rest of the day we sat around waiting for something to happen taking a lot of naps thinking it was going to happen in the middle of the night. Well nothing happened. :(

Friday, July 16th I decided I wasn't going to sit around and wait for something to happen, so I went to work. Phil thought I was crazy! I got to work and started working on creating some draft amendments and was called into a meeting around 8am. On my way back to my desk I decided to stop by the bathroom, while going to the bathroom I felt a popping feeling but didn't really think anything of it. I went back to work, but kept feeling a wet sensation when I move which made me a little concerned. I called my mom who promised to have her cell phone on and she would answer no matter what... Of course she didn't answer. So around lunch time I decided that I should probably figure out what is going on, so I went into a co-worker's office who had just had a baby and told her that I thought my water had broke. She freaked out and told me to call at least call my clinic to see if they wanted to see me. So I attempted to call the clinic, but it was lunch time and no one was answering, so I called the hospital; they told me to come right in and plan on having the baby that night. I asked them if I could drive home and they said sure if you aren't having any contractions. This freaked EVERYONE out.
I made it home just fine and had called Phil on the way to meet me at home. We grabbed our stuff and made it to the hospital at about 3pm. I got hooked up to the monitors and found out my body wasn't contracting regularly in it's own, so they hooked me up to pitiosin (sp?). In a few hours my contractions were coming every few minutes, but I was shaking so bad i couldn't relax in between my contractions, so I asked for a epidural. The nursed informed me I was only 3cm and I had to be 4 before I could get an epidural. So she went to go ask the doctor if I could get one early, I told I promised to be at 4 by the time she came back. I held up my end of the deal and so did she so I got my epidural which was amazing!!!!
After the epidural I went from 4-8cm in a half hour!!! It didn't take me long to get to 10cm. The baby was really high so we waited an hour for the baby to come down. I pushed for about 45 minutes and Wy man made his entrance at 9:45pm. Phil cut his cord and was able to announce he was a boy. He was perfect from the start.

Request to document Wy Man's Adventures

There have been many request for me to document Wyatt's adventures in this new strange new world.  I will do my best to put up pictures and stories of our outtings as a family.  I will try to start posting pictures and stories from the beginning tonight, hopefully I will be able to chatch up quickly. For those of you who have a facebook account Wyatt has his own fan page Wyatt Quinn Suess where you can see pictures from the day he was born to Halloween.